Goodreads: A Digital Bookmark for Readers!

Imagine this: you are sitting on the couch, halfway through a good book, not even glancing at the page number and you put the book down with the cover open, and the book accidentally falls to the floor. All of a sudden your page number is lost. The bookmark fell out.  What now?      

WELL, it may be hard to find solutions for every little problem, but what I can tell you is that there is definitely a solution for this! Goodreads is an online platform for users of the website to add their favorite books, current reads and more to shelves, in their own little digital library. I first started using Goodreads to keep track of the book I was reading, instead of using a physical bookmark because I would ALWAYS lose it.  This application assists you in updating your profile with the page you are on in your current reads as well as any other books you are reading at the same time!

In addition to this, the website can be used to track your books and place them in your own customized shelves. This can be helpful for readers who are reading more than one book at a time, or maybe they have so many books on your TBR list “To Be Read” you want to sort them out by genre? Whatever it may be, Goodreads is a great way to organize your online bookshelf! Another great reason to use the application, is to add your honest reviews and ratings of the books you read! This is a great start for bloggers to voice their opinion and let your voice shine.

Using Goodreads has helped me tremendously with keeping track of when I started reading a particular book, my page number and interacting with other avid readers on the website. I 100 % recommend using this application it will help you A TON and you can read with ease! No physical bookmarks included.📖

Need more convincing? Checkout my Goodreads read shelf and my new 2019 reading challenge widget from Goodreads! So convenient!

Want to connect on Goodreads? Add or follow my reading challenge journey on

Happy reading! 📖 ☕️ ✨

Susan’s books

The Book of Help: A Memoir in Remedies
it was amazing
This was such a captivating read! This book was different from any other one that I have ever read. Megan Griswold’s writing definitely kept me on my toes, wanting to hear more of her story. The book is very well-written and she definit…

2019 Reading Challenge

2019 Reading Challenge
Susan has
read 3 books toward
her goal of
25 books.



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