Susan Ayala is currently a graduate student studying Media & Communication Arts at Pace University’s Pleasantville campus. Throughout her program she hopes to learn as much as she can about how the world of public relations, social media and publishing works. As of now, she is interning at a digital media company called Bobi NYC as well as Illumination PR, with a focus on celebrity public relations and social media.
It was not until this past year, that Susan reignited her passion for reading books. This past year, she pushed herself to complete the 2018 reading challenge, successfully reading 20 books by the end of the year! Creating Susan’s Storybook has allowed her to not only push herself to read five more books than last year, but share her reads and book reviews with the world, as well as, connect with others through her love of the written word.
Join her journey…or more like her story with Susan’s Storybook.
Intrigued? Looking for a place to escape, outside of a new read? Checkout her travel content through Instagram here: @susanlayala